Going Full Bud Light, Starbucks Faces Massive Backlash After Disconcerting, Woke Ad Surfaces

Starbucks India has come under intense criticism following the release of its latest advertisement, with many accusing the brand of pushing a “woke” agenda that clashes with traditional values. Political commentator Rukshan Fernando expressed his discontent on Twitter, stating, “Starbucks is facing backlash in India after going full Bud Light. If flooding the market with a mediocre US coffee brand wasn’t bad enough, now they’re bringing their woke corporate culture to the Sub-Continent.”

Several users voiced their concerns, with one commenting in Starbucks India’s social media thread, “It’s deeply unsettling to see the rapid erosion of our cultural identity. Certain liberal forces seem intent on normalizing practices that threaten the very core of our cherished traditions and values. This isn’t just happening by chance—it’s a deliberate strategy.”

Another user, who identified as a longtime Starbucks customer, expressed disappointment with the campaign, saying, “I’ve been a huge Starbucks fan, spending thousands of rupees at their coffee shops every year. But I can’t understand why @StarbucksIndia would launch a ‘woke’ campaign. Why not just focus on marketing their coffee and service in India? Their service is world-class. Who designs these guilt-trip campaigns that have no relevance to the vast majority of Indians? Maybe it’s time I switched my loyalty to Thirdwave coffee, which offers equally great coffee, service, and ambiance.”

One person took to social media to express frustration with the ad’s message, saying, “What are you promoting, @Starbucks? Don’t push this culture on us. We don’t need lessons in accepting immoral values. We are Bharatvasis and take immense pride in our civilization and culture. We’re not some #BollywoodVultures promoting foreign ideas. Abstain from such ads, #KaranJohar.”

A disgruntled Twitter user also weighed in, stating, “I don’t understand why brands do this. These ads alienate a large portion of the population. Whatever happened to common-sense advertising? Videos like these drive away more customers than they attract. They’re literally throwing advertising dollars away just to virtue signal.”

The backlash against Starbucks India highlights the growing tension between global brands trying to tailor their messaging for local markets and the increasing resistance to campaigns perceived as culturally out of touch or politically charged

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