If you find ticks inside your home, here’s what you should know
I like to think of myself as having love and understanding towards all creatures. Even spiders and snakes – fairly common phobias among humans – don’t freak me out to the point where I’ll actively take steps to avoid them.
You could say that I have a high threshold where tolerance for creepy crawlies is concerned… just not with ticks.
No, shameful as it is for me to admit, I wouldn’t lose an ounce of sleep if ticks vanished from the world tomorrow, never to be seen again. The thing is, they’re not just annoying (not to mention invasive and, well, enough to make most people’s skin-crawl) but they can actually be dangerous.
Ticks can carry debilitating diseases including Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever, so it should go without saying that they’re probably not the best house guests for you to be entertaining…
That said, depending on where you live, the time of year, and whether or not you have pets at home, the chances of you encountering ticks can be fairly high.
So, what to do if and when you do come across one these tiny blights within the four walls you all home? Well, that’s the question you’re all here to have answered, so without further ado, let’s get down to it…