Proper’ way to store carrots will keep them fresh for months – never in a fridge drawer

Carrots are an essential part of many people’s food shops, and they usually have a lengthy shelf life.

However, there is nothing more annoying than buying fresh vegetables only to discover they have turned mouldy or slim

This can be due to a number of reasons, including storing them in certain locations which they do not like.

Amanda Rocchio, a nutritionist coach and cook, shared a video on social media to explain the “proper way” to store the staple.

In a video on TikTok, Amanda said: “You’ve probably been storing your carrots the wrong way, let me show you the right thing to do

Proper’ way to store carrots will keep them fresh for months – never in a fridge drawer (Image: Getty

Whether you prefer to buy whole carrots or prefer to grab a bag of baby carrots, you’re probably tossing them in a fridge drawer.”

However, according to the expert, the best way to keep carrots crunchy and fresh is to take them out of their packaging and fill a container with water.

She then said to simply place the carrots into the water before putting the jar or container in the middle of the fridge.

Amanda noted: “The key is to place them in a container and fill it up with water. They can last four weeks this way

Keep your carrots in a container or jar with a lid to stop exposure to moisture in the fridge, as this will cause spoilage.

Make sure to keep the water fresh, changing it every five or six days, which will also help to maintain the vegetable’s freshness.

This method is said to extend the shelf life of carrots for “months” which can help to avoid food waste and save money on a food shop.

When placed in a fridge drawer, the temperature fluctuations from the drawer opening regularly can impact the produce within it

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