The Cow Math Puzzle: A Brain Teaser for the Curious Mind

This math puzzle featuring a cow has been making the rounds on social media, and it’s a great brain teaser! Let’s dive in and find the answer together.

The Challenge:

Imagine you buy a cow for $800, then sell it for a profit of $1000. Later, you buy the same cow back for $1100 and manage to sell it again for $1300. The question is: How much money did you make overall?

The Solution:

The key to this puzzle is focusing on your total profit, not the individual transactions. We can calculate this by subtracting your total spending on the cow from your total earnings from selling it.

  • Total spent on the cow: $800 (first purchase) + $1100 (second purchase) = $1900
  • Total earned from selling the cow: $1000 (first sale) + $1300 (second sale) = $2300

Now, subtract your total spending from your total earnings to find your profit:

  • Profit = $2300 (earned) – $1900 (spent) = $400

Therefore, you made a profit of $400 overall.

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